Queer Feminist Art History and the Use of Enamel Technique - Workshop with Dr. phil. Ursula M. Lücke


You want to book a full-day workshop? Contact me at: oder +43 670 5596567

In a short art-historical overview, the variations of vulva representations - historical and queer up to the present - will be shown, contextualised and analysed. In the subsequent practice-oriented workshop part, each* participant creates her* own miniature snatch as miniature art in enamel technique. A participatory workshop between craft, art, theory and hydrophilic visual studies.
Trainer: Dr.* phil. Ursula M. Lücke an artist and cultural/visual scientist. She lives and works in Linz (A) and Hamburg (D). She is a trained goldsmith and studied art and ecology in applied cultural studies.

Workshop with FIFTITU%  in November/December 2022
    Holzhaus, Holzstraße 18, 4020 Linz
    All FLINTA* people 👉🏾 women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and people who experience themselves without a gender identity.

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